27 September 2010

Today during english lesson the class is very noisy until our class english teacher walk out of the class after a few minute Mr Ishak come in our class and scold us during that time i was copying the exam time table after that i chat with my few for a few minute because i really can't stand the noise so i go back to my seat that is at the back of the class and start studying my social studies and of cause during the English lesson there is people playing, chatting and student studying for the exam.... After English lesson is Chemistry then Chinese then break and finally is Assembly after assembly we go back to the classroom and stay back until 2.45pm then me, Jecelyn and Zhi ying go staff room find miss lim because she want to give me the chemistry note for jecelyn is she want to talk with her but she is not inside the staff room so me decided tomorrow then we go find her again after that i ask jecelyn to accompany me to HOD look for Mrs Goh because i want to pass her the letter that is for dropping POA after passing the letter to her we walk home together......
This is the edited part !
Currently i am studying my Chemistry since i already know what is the chapter that it is going to come out for EOY paper... Just done the Three of matter chapter now is going to start a new chapter but why it is so difficult why is that periodic table chapter so hard i can't even understand what is it trying to say! so i am going to stop studying chemistry and tomorrow going to ask miss lim for help